Investigative Lead
Mission Statement:
It is the mission of Investigative Lead to strengthen the criminal justice response to sexual assault and violence against women. We work to provide support for all disciplines involved in the criminal justice system. We apply the most current and best practices in policy, procedure, training, education, and experienced based consulting to fulfil our mission.
Investigative Lead, LLC was formed in 2011 by Sergeant Jim Markey while an investigative supervisor with the City of Phoenix Police Department, Phoenix, Arizona. Specializing in violence against women crimes, his knowldege and skills are founded in his 30 years of law enforcement field experience. Jim gained invaluable skills through oversight, management, and leadership of a sexual assault criminal investigative team. Over this career his detective teams investigated over 10,000 rape and sexual violence cases, including over 100 serial rapists. He ensured at all times that best practices were in place by working to develop and implement policy and procedures in all aspects of sexual violence.
Jim holds a Bachelor degree in Criminal Justice from Arizona State University and a Master's degree in Educational Leadership from Northern Arizona University giving him an important balance of education and practical experience.
Investigative Lead collaborates with numerous criminal justice organizations and has an extensive consulting base. It can provide criminal case consultation and educational training and for a wide range of justice disciplines.
Current 2016 projects:
- Consultant, Tehnical Assistance Provider, and Trainer: Bureau of Justice Assistance Sexual Assault Kit Initiative. A part of the Sexual Assault Kit Backlog Project serving 20 grantee sites.
- Subject Matter Expert and Content Developer: Kinetic Learning on-line training SANE-SART curriculum development.
- Sexual Assault Response Team Trainer: Department of Justice; Office of Victims of Crime Interactive Training Scenario development and delivery.
- Workgroup member: National Institute of Justice Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence Registry Act (SAFER).
- Sub-Committee Chair: National Institute of Justice Cold Case Working Group.
For questions, inquiries, consultations, trainings, or comments contact Jim Markey at markey.iltc@gmail.com
Case Consultation
Investigative Lead is committed to provide their clients objective and informative support through a network of professionals specializing in consultation services directed for practitioners in a variety of criminal justice positions. We identify strength and weaknesses of your case/investigation/policy, provide an assessment and work to develop a strategy for success.
View my: KSA's
Consulting Services:
- Police department sexual assault unit assessments
- Sexual assault case and investigation assessment and review
- Trial preparation and objective case review for prosecution and defense
- Police sexual assault response policy and procedure review
- Police department sexual assault investigation policy
- Crime scene and forensic evidence review
- Serial sexual assault investigations
- Police sexual assault unit assessment
We offer professional, accurate, and critical training on a variety of investigative, multi-disciplinary, and specialized issues. With a combination of advanced education, field experience and foundational knowledge, I.L. is a federally resgistered LLC and provides deliveries that are customized for the agencies needs.
Training Deliveries:
- Trauma Informed Sexual Assault Response Investigations
- Improving Your Interviewing of Rape Victims
- Sexual Violence for First Responders
- Sexual Violence Response for Indian Country
- Interviewing the Sexual Assault Suspect
- Untested Sexual Assault Kits and Cold Case Rape Investigations
- Cold Case Investigation, Training, and Team Development
- Supervising a Sexual Assault Unit and Investigative Case Management
- Domestic Violence Investigations
- Crime Scene Investigation and Scene Management
- DNA for Law Enforcement and CODIS Hit Management
- Crime Scene Photography
- Criminal Investigation Major Case Unit Management
- SART and Multi-disciplinary Team Development and Assessment
- Serial Case Investigation and Taskforce Management
- Investigative Leadership
- SANE-SART Development and Sustainability
Many agencies from large to small across the United States are struggling with how to address, manage, and resolve these "cold cases" and untested sexual assault kit backlogs. Investigative Lead is there to assist agencies working to address this issue. Years of experience and knowledge in creating and sustaining a cold case sexual assaults/kit backlog strategy allows I.L. to provide critical training and technical assistance. More information: Investigating Sexual Assault Cold Cases
We have provided this technical assistance and training to:
Ohio Attorney General's Office, Cleveland Ohio Division of Police, Jacksonville Florida Sheriff's Office,
Clay County Florida Sheriff's Office, City of Memphis Police Department, Oregon Attorney General Office.
State of Kentucky Office of the Attorney General, Tucson Police Department, Arizona POST
We have recently been certified for delivering the Franklin-Covey developed "Nobility of Policing" Course. This four hour class provides a reexamination and focus of why we are in the police profession. Under Delung.com, this course is available to any and all law enforcment organizations. For more information go to www.delung.com
Investigative Lead works in collaboration with a wide spectrurm of public and private organizations. This collaboration and assistance has been delivered through on site training, web based media, technical process review, committee and taskforce consultation .
Partners and Clients:
- Department of Defense
- Bureau of Justice Assistance
- Research Triangle Institute
- Kentucky Office of the Attorney General
- United States Department of Interior
- Maui County, Office of Attorney General
- Union County Sheriff's Office, Marysville Ohio
- United States Army Sexual Assault Response Team, Fort Buchanan, San Juan Puerto Rico
- Adanta Sexual Assault Resource Center, Somerset KY
- Ohio Alliance to END Sexual Violence, Cleveland Ohio
Continuing partnerships and clients:
- The International Association for Chief's of Police
- The U.S. Department of Justice to include:
- National Instittue of Justice
- Office of Violence Agaisnt Women
- Office of Victims of Crime
- Office of Justice Programs
- OJP Diagnostic Center
- Southwest Center for Law and Policy
- National Center for Victims of Crime (NCVC)
- National SANE-SART.org
- National Forensic Science Technology Center
- University of Tennessee Law Enforcement Innovation Center National Forensic Academy
- KeneticLearning Online
- International Association of Forensic Nurses
- Indian Health Services
- Absentee-Shawnee Indian Nation
- Parents of Murdered Children Organization (POMC)
- John F. Kenedy School of Government, Harvard College
- Dartmouth College
- Scottsdale Healthcare, Inc
- Regional Community Policing Institute (RCPI)
- Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS)
- Michigan Association of Prosecuting Attorneys
- National Crimnial Justice Training Center-Fox Valley
- Bureau of Indian Affairs
- Project Hope for the Tohono O'odham Indian Nation
- White Buffalo Calf Women's Society for the Lakota-Sioux Indian Nation
Professional Consulting Team
Investigative Lead is proud to have collaborated with a consortium of professional colleagues. We are confident that the expereince, knowledge, and abilites of our colleagues as national experts is unsurpassed. These experts possess a variety of skills in an array of disciplines to meet whatever your needs may be.
Criminal Intelligence Research
and Analysis
Ritchie Martinez
Senior Core Advisory/Consultant for Law Enforcement Criminal Intelligence
Mr. Martinez brings over 42 years of law enforcement criminal justice and criminal intelligence experience at the working, operational, supervisory, and leadership levels. During his career Mr. Martinez:. During his career he
- Served as Deputy Sheriff, Detective Sgt., Special Agent, Narcotics Strike Force/Organized Crime, Manager of the Intelligence Division, Arizona Criminal Intelligence System Agency (ACISA), Intelligence detective for Arizona Department of Public Safety, Criminal Intelligence Division. Upon his sworn career retirement,
- Principle Arizona Department of Public Safety/High Intensity Drug Trafficking Agency (HIDTA) managing and supervising criminal intelligence analysts responsible for developing programs, procedures and methods to deliver intelligence support for tactical, operational, and strategic drug investigations.
- Member of the U. S. Justice Department’s Global Working Intelligence Group he was instrumental in the development of the nation’s first intelligence training standards for police agency executives, managers/commanders, officers, and analysts.
- Created the nation’s National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan (NCISP) which serves as the foundational document leading major information and intelligence initiatives that included the United States National Fusion Centers program.
- Former president of the International Association of Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysts (IALEIA) and served on the U. S. Department of Homeland Security Interagency Threat Assessment Coordination Group Advisory Counsel and a member of the Office of Director of National Intelligence Homeland Security Partners Group.
- Recipient of the “Outstanding Intelligence Analyst” from the Executive Office of President of the United States.
- Adjunct instructor for Louisiana State University, National Center for Biomedical Research and Training (NCBRT), Counter Terrorism Academy
Forensic Nursing
Karyn Rasile
Details on Ms Rasile expertise are forthcoming. Come back and visit us.
Conact Karyn at: krasilern@gmail.com
Forensic Information Management and Databasing
Valley Technology Solutions
Details on Valley Technology Solutions are forthcoming. Come back and visit us.
Developers of FeMR. The cloud based solution for sexual assault nurse examiner reporting.
Visit Valley Technology Solutions at: www.azvalleytech.com
Current News
Current Events and Information
- In January of 2017, Jim was appointed by the Secretary of Defense to the Defense Advisory Committee on the Investigation, Defense, and Prosectuion of Sexual Assault in the Military (DACIPAD). This 5-year committee is tasked with the review of sexual assault cases in all branches of the military.
Tempe Police Department Project
- The Tempe Police Department, Tempe AZ, contarcted with ILTC to complete a review of their agency response to sexual assault. This project is currenty in the final assessment and reporting stages, witha final report pending technical review.
SAKI Project
- As part of the Bureau of Justice Assistance Sexual Assaut Kit Initiative (SAKI) Training and Technical Assistance Jim has provided training and assistancce for over 30 SAKI gratee sites. This project will run through 2019.
ILTC training in JAPAN
- In January 2015, ILTC traveled to Tokyo with National SANE-SART and Dr. Linda Ledray, Misty Marra from Marshall University, and Pattie Powers, to deliver the 2-day SART Interactive Training Scenario. This training was sponsored by the Japanese Forensic Nursing Association and trained over 75 individuals, including detectives from the Japanese National Police agency. Here, Jim, owner of ILTC, is being interrogated by a JNP detective. Many thanks to our wonderiful hosts and sponsors from Japan.
- Investigative Lead, LLC is proud to be an invitee to this critical working group. The purpose of this WG is to identify best practices, develop and implement consistent investigative polices, and assist jurisdictions with technical assistance in the area of cold/unsolved crimes.
- ILTC is pleased to partner with Valley Technology Solutions (www.azvalleytech.com) in the development of a robust information management system for sexual assault unit assessments. This system has the expandibility to provide technical support for agencies in the tracking of forensic evidence associated with their case. <Check back for updates>
Phoenix Police Department Cold Case Team. In 2011, this short film documented the Phoenix Police Cold Case Team as one of three VAWA funded programs nationally recognized as a VAWA success story. You can watch the "Telly" award winning film below.
Violence Against Women Journal, June 2013
NEW: Updated 2013 Crime Scene Investigators Law Enforcement Guide
AM Rapist Serial Rape Taskforce Story:
Phx TV Channel 12 story
Phoenix Police Cold Case Success:
Working Cold Case Sex Crimes:
Additional Information and Resources:
- http://whttp://www.nbcnews.com/id/16932728/ns/us_news-crime_and_courts/t/phoenix-parents-fear-serial-sex-predator
- http://www.ncdsv.org/images/NYT_NewMedicalExamPolicyForSexualAssaultCases_4-24-2013.pdf
- http://forensics.marshall.edu/MUFSC/Training/2013/Training-13.04-1.html
- http://www.victimsofcrime.org/training/2013/02/22/investigating-and-prosecuting-non-stranger-and-stranger-cold-case-sexual-assaults
- http://www.tennessee.edu/media/releases/2008121ips.html
- http://www.ovw.usdoj.gov/sexual-violence-report-march.pdf